Facebook Quizzes are fun right? Or are they a back door to your account?
Online quizzes are fun, facebook quizzes are fun, but we need to be careful. If you are taking a quiz and it asks you to login with facebook, avoid that quiz! It’s just not worth it. You can find other quizzes that don’t require you to login, anything that needs your login is getting too much information. This can lead to far too much information about you being taken by the company writing these quizzes. They can sell that information or use it for purposes you don’t agree with. Worse yet this is one of the ways facebook accounts can be hacked! Soon your account will be trying to sell Oakley sunglasses and Ugg boots to your friends by tagging them or inviting them to events. No one wants that.
I’m not the only one talking about this, and this isn’t new information. Way back in 2011 PC Magazine was telling people to be careful. Five years later and article after article are being written about the dangers, in this Beta News article they point out how evidence that these quizzes are essentially malware isn’t persuading anyone to stop doing them and giving away their information and accounts. Fight Identity Theft has a really great article that not only tells you it’s bad, but it shows you how these quizzes work and how they steal your information and account access. They even have a petition to make facebook crack down on this stuff.
I encourage you to read these articles and remember, no quiz will be fun enough to risk losing your facebook account over. Besides, you already know in your heart which Harry Potter house you belong in, you don’t need a quiz to tell you that.