Expired Domain? DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!!!!

How can we avoid this?
Just follow a few simple steps
- Make sure you know the rules of your domain registration and it’s a company you can trust.
- What’s the grace period?
- What happens on expiration?
- What’s their customer service number if you have an emergency?
- How’s their customer support?
- Make sure your information is accurate and up to date with your registrar.
- Email goes to an account you check daily.
- Phone numbers are accurate.
- Credit Card information is always up to date.
- Set your account to auto renew.
- If you can, use a credit card rather than a bank card or paypal so it can renew without much effort from you.
- Mark your calendar for renewal time.
- This way you can change the card that is used to pay if you need to.
- You can pay for multiple years if you like.
- You can add a promo code or coupon code and save some money.
In the old days of the internet there were a lot of scams. You’d get a renewal notice from a company, pay for the renewal and then suddenly you switched registrars. Thankfully that scam is seen a lot less these days, but it’s still good to note who your registered with. This will save you headaches later. I always advise keeping that information with your passwords and all of your other business information, so you always have it.
Have you ever had your domain expire?